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Fox & Co CPAs is closed for initial consults from Sept 1 - April 30 of each year. Please click here to sign up for our waitlist. we will reach out to you when we open to new clients in may.


business consulting

Have a great business idea, but don’t know where to start?  Well, you are in the right place.  Our team of knowledgeable associates can assist you in selecting the right type of entity, getting registered with the state, setting up first year tax returns, and establishing payroll tax accounts with the various agencies.  We work with you to help turn your dream into reality.

An experienced business consultant can serve as your mentor, your closest advisor, as someone to discuss new ideas with, and as the one person who is willing to tell you the truth you need to hear when nobody else will do so.

Areas we can provide advice include:

  • Contract reviews
  • Employee benefits
  • Business forecasts and projections
  • Key performance indicators and benchmarks
  • Succession planning
  • Sale of business
  • Buy-sell agreements

Business consulting can be priced as a one-time engagement or included in the price of your annual Fixed Price Agreement (FPA).